Optimal Routing and Departure Planning
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From your very first launch of WeatherNet 5 you’ll notice one of the most exciting new integrations in Weathernet - the addition of Optimal Routing and Departure Planning tools! These new state-of-the-art services are presented in cooperation with our wonderful partner, FastSeas. WeatherNet 5 makes FastSeas routing and departure planning products affordably accessible to any remote user running through satellite connections, fast or slow, cellular or Wi-Fi / Ethernet.

OCENS & FastSeas think an extremely important step in the broadening of access to optimal routing insights is providing you with a means of quickly building a reliable set of vessel polars. We do this within WeatherNet’s Polar’s window by asking for just your vessel waterline length and closest point of sail. We take it from there to generate a vessel polar from which your Optimal Routes are crafted. For those of you with polars previously generated from other sources we enable their import into WeatherNet’s routing path.


Notice how the optimal route is different when the same route is applied to weather and ocean data based on a later date.  
*viewing in GRIB Explorer requires GRIB Explorer version 9 for Windows


Of course, Optimal Routes are optimal because of the anticipated weather and ocean conditions your vessel will encounter on its way to your destination. They key here is ‘anticipated’. What happens when those expected conditions don’t materialize? Or maybe even worse, when you don’t know that wind speeds, wind directions, ocean currents, wave parameters and other factors are now quite different along your route than were initially thought at the time of route generation? WeatherNet 5 solves that dilemma by handing off its optimal routes to OCENS GRIB Explorer 9 for windows, who then displays the route layered on top of the latest weather and ocean model runs. Each time you update your weather info, GRIB Explorer takes that new weather information and juxtaposes it under your route. What’s awesome about the new WeatherNet Optimal Routing feature? When the new weather or ocean conditions you are seeing really do depart from the original ones use the WeatherNet transfer engine to download a new route on the spot! Adjust your vessel plan dynamically to the new conditions without breaking the airtime bank. Not to mention getting to your destination faster, safer and/or more comfortably. All with WeatherNet and FastSeas and the Grib Explorer integration of routing over the latest model runs.

Use with your navigation software!

You may want to import your WeatherNet routes into your navigation program. This is made straight forward by offering both CSV (smaller file size)  and GPX (larger file size) formats. Point your navigation program to the WeatherNet Routing folder on your computer to visualize each and every new route delivered to you in WeatherNet.



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